Wednesday 23 April 2008

What to do with ideas that float around and never get used....

IDEA'S Pool of Inspiration

What do you do with all the random ideas that float around you throughout the day?

Things that will probably never get done...

But might just make it...

If given the right time and space and someone to follow the idea.....

Put them in a box...a text box, for better keeping off the dust....

And let them be looked at by other eyes...without fear of looking silly!

And one day, they might come true!!

My first idea in the pool is a recycling idea...

supposing someone had the time and patience to do it...(which applies to most of these ideas probably) they could

...collect all the plastic beer holders (the things that tie them together that you have to cut up to save the animals)

and cut them into tiny pieces...

till you have enough to fill a bag.....

make the bag nice and strong and you have a 'waterproof garden pillow' or...

'been beer bag'!

There....that's number one off me chest.


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